Aelodaeth | Membership
Gan mai elusen gofrestredig yw Gwyl Gregynog, mae’n dibynnu’n llwyr …
Gan mai elusen gofrestredig yw Gwyl Gregynog, mae’n dibynnu’n llwyr ar healoni cefnogwyr er mwyn parhau â’i gwaith.
Am gyfraniad argymelledig o £50 y cartref, £25 i unigolion, gall Aelodau fanteisio ar gyfle i archebu seddau cadw, a chydnabyddiaeth o’u cefnogaeth pe dymunir.
Gyda chyfraniad o £250, bydd Aelodaeth Noddwyr yn cael cydnabyddiaeth mewn cysylltiad â chyngerdd yn ystod yr Ŵyl pe dymunir.
Ymunwch ar y ffurflen archebu, neu drwy’r botwm PayPal isod. Am fwy o fanylion, cysylltwch â, neu ffoniwch 01686 207100.
Gregynog Festival is only possible through the support of our sponsors and supporters. If you would like to play your part in the success of this unique and historic festival, please consider becoming a Member this season.
Members enjoy advance reserved seating and the option to be credited for their support. Membership is by a minimum recommended donation of £25 per person or £50 per household.
Our new Sponsor Membership starts at £250 and can be associated on request with a specific event in the Festival.
You can donate via the Pay Pal button below, by email or post using the form above, or by contacting us on 01686 207100 or